What Makes a Business Great: Talented, Honest & Driven Leaders


This article is part of a series about What Makes a Business Great?

A business needs talented, honest & driven leaders to realize its full potential. Such leaders embody the following characteristics:

Embrace Reality. Talented, honest & driven leaders strive for truth, even when it comes at the expense of their ego. They are eager to listen because they know they do not have all the answers. They have an accurate appraisal their own strengths, weaknesses and capabilities as well those of their organization. They readily acknowledge failures and shortcomings so that they can learn from them. They have the courage to look the challenges they face in the eye, and they are quick to recognize - and adapt to - changing conditions.

Play to Win. Most business managers “play to play,” aspiring mainly to keep their job. Talented, honest and driven leaders “play to win.” They have a clear vision of superlative success for their company and a compelling strategy for achieving it. Their sense of personal success is inextricably linked their vision for the business, not to compensation, titles or social status. In pursuit of that vision, they are willing to take risks, make investments at the expense of short-term results and experience failures.

Move Fast. Talented, honest & driven leaders delegate decision making authority to the lowest level of competence in the organization while ensuring that decision makers have sufficient context to make good decisions. When it comes to making decisions themselves, they distinguish between those that can be made quickly with limited information and those that require more extensive study and deliberation.

Advocate Simplicity & Focus. Einstein once said, “make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Talented, honest & driven leaders take that advice to heart. They understand that simplicity and focus are essential to effective execution.

Attract the Best. Talented, honest & driven leaders focus intensely and relentlessly on ensuring they have the right people on the bus at all times. They understand that talent attracts talent; high performers want to work with other high performers, not be burdened by their co-workers. Talented honest & driven leaders set high expectations for performance and have low tolerance those who cannot meet those expectations over time. They disproportionately reward those who deliver results and do not hesitate to make personnel changes when necessary. They also dedicate substantial resources to expanding the capabilities of the people within the organization to match growing and evolving needs.

Believe Good Enough Never Is. Talented, honest & driven leaders aim not only to be the best, but also to always get better. They set clear, measurable goals and follow-through tenaciously to ensure accountability.

Communicate Openly & with Integrity. Talented, honest & driven leaders are biased toward transparency in their communications. The content of their communications is not determined by the context.

Balance Prudence & Boldness. Talented, honest & driven leaders manage corporate resources prudently. They are frugal when it comes to spending on things that do not directly create value so that they can invest as much as possible in things that do. They carefully consider risks and ensure the business is prepared for adverse developments. Yet they are not timid. They act swiftly and aggressively when compelling opportunities to create value arise.


Great businesses are led by talented, honest & driven leaders who unleash the full potential of the organization. Talented, honest & driven leaders embody eight characteristics:

  • Embrace Reality

  • Play to Win

  • Move Fast

  • Advocate Simplicity & Focus

  • Attract the Best

  • Believe Good Enough Never Is

  • Communicate Openly & with Integrity

  • Balance Prudence & Boldness

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Marc Werres